Ways to Give Back
Christmas & Advent
Santa Sacks
Mitten Tree: Donate!
Starting on December 1 to January 6, you are welcome to donate winter accessories to our Mitten Tree!
Help decorate it with mittens, scarves and toques. Your contributions will help those out in the cold. Again, this year there will be a basket for
any sweaters, socks and other warm clothing you wish to donate. Make Advent a time of family sharing.
If you only attend services on line, you may drop off items during the week at the church. A basket to receive your donations will be inside
the north east doors during weekdays.
Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank
Donate to Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank. Food insecurity is only increasing in Toronto, and the food bank is especially in need of donations of funds during the holiday season. Please consider a donation as part of your giving this Christmas.